Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Historical Society AGM April 16th

A quick reminder that the Margate Historical Society AGM will be on the 16th April, in the Cecil Square Baptist Church Hall (entrance New Street) starting at 10am.

Membership cards will be required for voting, if you do not have your renewed membership yet, please contact the Secretary on 01843 223300


  1. Lyn, how much is is it and is there any chance we could do a life membership like the civic society.

    1. Secretary Margate Historical Society17 February 2012 at 06:20

      Tony as always £8.00 per household, we do a 5 year membership £35.00, and I would offer a 10 year membership of £60.00

      Are you will ing to be Vice Chair again this Year? Please Call me.

      Speaker Sophie Jeffrey (MACH) Margate Arts, Culture & Heritage officer
